Sunday, September 16, 2007

Ok again!

Alrighty. So apparently the problems from yesterday have pretty much stopped. I haven't disco'd yet this session, but that doesn't really mean anything. >.> I'm going to be trying to level today, and possibly get my skinning up a little higher. It's only 212. My enchanting is 275, but I am going to wait on that until I have level 70, because it is waaaay too expensive to level up right now.

I am also going to be levelling up another character too, to use as my herbalism/mining money maker. I'm thinking of making my level 15 lock do it... or I might use my druid. Not really sure. They are both the same level. I was thinking of making my druid feral and my lock affliction. I'm beginning to think that my druid will be a better and faster leveller. My lock is a little squishy for my tastes, and I'm not extremely good as a lock. Yes it's a few buttons to press, but idk, it's nothing like playing my hunter. And if I don't "love" the class, I can't keep my mind in it.

I also have a baby hunter I am thinking of levelling, and a baby mage. The mage I really enjoy, and I know I like hunter, (duh) so I might just use them. I just hate the cost and running instances. I just want to level up fast and be able to use the character for money. Being a stay at home mommy, it's taken me a long time to level this one character, so it'll be even harder to level another. I just want to get the character up to about 30 to farm stuff. After I get my hunter to 70, that will be a breeze hopefully.


Pike said...

I'm glad to hear your game problems have diminished somewhat-- it's never fun when the game randomly decides to have an hour or two disconnecting me every chance it gets! =P

~Naidia said...

Thanks! I was getting a little worried there for a little bit, I was worried that I was going to have asolutely no time on for a while.