Friday, September 14, 2007

I think I must be dreaming...

I really cannot believe what I just saw. BRK left a comment on MY blog! He is the best BM spec hunter, if not the best hunter overall that most people know of. I really gotta say, it's like a celebrity sending you a letter or something. I'm really shocked and happy that he did tat, but I am so excited by his encouragement.

I know it is soooo fangirlish, but I keep thinking, "Did he notice my spec? Is he going to check up on my blog and see how I did with the trapping?" I gotta say, the thought is really exciting. But beyond that, I really appreciate the encouragement and I think it is really awesome that he goes out of his way to encourage "baby" hunters that are trying really hard to do the best at their class.

I'm going to try to post a little about my in game hunter stuff at least 3 times a week, hopefully more. I think that is a good number of posts a month, and it will keep me at doing something constructive with my time that involves writing. I'm sure that will be a good thing for me. I need the "mental workout" I think. Somethig's gotta make me think. :P

I gotta say, I think I have pretty good gear for right now, and my husband gets me things that his guild lets people roll on that he wins that is suitable for a hunter from Kara, so I'm pretty well taken care of when I hit 70. He has a nice group of people that he runs with. I'm really appreciative of that. :)

I'm having a rough time at home lately so I likely won't be in game for a little while. I'm really kinda not doing so well so I need some time off for the real life stuff. Hopefully things will work out and I can feel better and come back for the game. I'll miss it but I have to handle things at home before the game. :)


Temerity Jane said...

/enraged shriek

Gemma Finnigan said...

Looks like we both got a thumbs up from Big Red ;-)

Wydra/Gun Bunny

Pike said...

Hehe. Fangirling over things is definitely okay, even if you think it's a silly thing to fangirl over! Myself, I fangirl over... basically everything...

(Mind if I read your blog? I don't read very many I'll admit, but yours looks quite interesting ^^)

Noel said...

Oh no! I've enraged the TJ! /feign death!

Heya Wydra! I've actually started reading your blog and I have to say, I adore it. You have a lot of the same insights I do. :)

Pike- Sure! Read on, I appreciate the comment! I'll be reading yours as well.