Wednesday, September 12, 2007

First entry!

As of this post I am a level 63 BM specced huntress. The picture up there to the right is of "Patronus", my cat. (Sian-Rotam in a former life.) Hence my blog's title, "Little white lion". It's kind of a play on Big Red Kitty too, whom I adore. I have most of his recommended spec as my own. Only a few points in other talents so far. I read his blog pretty religiously right now as I try to make myself a respected and useful huntress.

I've been doing a few instances lately that have helped me out, getting me gear was secondary to why I was going. I wanted to go to get experience trapping and learning my class better in a party/raid setting. I think it's been pretty effective helping me learn my weaknesses and to fine tune what I have been working on.

I'm going to attempt to do the tutorial BRK set up on his blog, and try to chain trap a talbuk. I might need to wait until I am a little higher, or I can make it a real challenge and go without Patronus with me and let the talbuk wail on me when I mess up. It'll teach me how pdq then.


BRK said...

Doing the Talbuk chain-trap won't require your pet at all. Let him prance around while you do all the work.



Anonymous said...

Yay! Another hunter blog to keep track of, my bookmarks are becoming dominated by Blogspot :) . Seem's BRK is inspiring more than a few of us!
Chris aka Irik and Snowfang (BwR US)